Climate Atlas North Rhine-Westphalia
Welcome to the Climate Atlas North Rhine-Westphalia (Klimaatlas Nordrhein-Westfalen) by the North Rhine-Westphalia Office of Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV NRW). The Climate Atlas North Rhine-Westhalia provides an extensive set on interactive maps and time series on climate change and climate change impacts for Germanys most populous federal country.
The Climate Atlas North Rhine-Westphalia offers a comprehensive set of maps displaying the current and future possible climate for many climate parameters as well as climate impact maps covering flood hazard risk or heat load in urban areas, just to name a few. Complementary to our online map application we provide a vast set of indicators covering time series from 16 sectors including health and planning. The Climate Atlas North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) was released in November 2022 after three years of development and has been recently updated with new maps and features. The most important addition is the Climate Change Adaptation Consulting NRW service, now also hosted by the North Rhine-Westphalia State Office of Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV NRW).
The Climata Atlas NRW origins out of the former independently emerged specialized information services Climate Atlas NRW (old, Klimaatlas NRW), Specialized Information Service Climate Adaptation NRW (Fachinformationssystem Klimaanpassung) and the Climate Impact and Climate Adaptation Monitoring NRW (Klimafolgen- und Anpassungsmonitoring NRW) into a new holistic information platform for climate, climate impact and climate impact adaptation related data for North Rhine-Westphalia.
Based on a user centered design process during the early development stages the focus for the Climate Atlas NRW lies clearly on the easy access of information and data with greatest data transparency possible, without sacrificing scientific value. The team of the Climate Atlas NRW invites you to explore this platform! Please be aware that German is the default language and thus a browser based translation service might be useful. Pleas fell free to explore our vast array of maps, time series and consultation capacity.
Climate NRW
A selection of climate maps at an introductional level for interested users who are not (yet) familiar with the depths of climate data.
Climate NRW.Plus
Climate maps für professionals who desire all vast maps and datasets provided by the LANUV NRW at once.
Climate NRW Indicators
Climate Impact and Climate Adaptation Monitoring NRW - explore mor than 70 timeseries about climate change and its impacts an nature, environment and society.